Saturday, October 18, 2014

Well, Friday nights have always been "movie night" with my family, and our meal is ALWAYS pizza!  So how disheartening it was when I was forced to go gluten-and now dairy-free!  I felt like the world was coming to an end when I could no longer make one pizza, and enjoy it as a family :(  So I've started experimenting with 2 or 3 different kinds of pizza, and have found some pretty yummy ones.  I've just pretty much had to suck it up and deal with the fact that I will always need to make two different pizzas for movie night now!  It actually hasn't been as painful as I thought it would be, and when the end product is really yummy, that supersedes the fact that I have to now make multiple pizzas!  I have found a good one that is both #dairy-free and #gluten-free, and is REALLY yummy at that!  Here is a photo of that pizza, and let me know of any yummy ones you have come across!  It was so yummy, that I just had to have some before I could even get the pic taken!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Good Morning (almost afternoon for me!)  I made some #glutenfree and #dairyfree peanut butter cookies today.  They turned out really yummy.  Too bad there's not a scratch-and-sniff option here :)  They turned out darker than usual because this time I wanted to try #coconutsugar I'm trying to cut the traditional cane sugar out of my family's diet when possible.  I also used crunchy pb this time to try for a different texture.  The cookies turned out to be a really yummy gluten and dairy free dessert!  Here is the recipe that I came across some time ago from the internet:

2 egg whites, beaten stiff
1 cup sugar (of your choice)
1 cup pb

Beat egg whites until stiff and fluffy.  Add sugar and mix well.  Add peanut butter.  Roll into small balls and press with fork.  Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

This recipe was originally meant to be made with regular white sugar, so they turn out with a little different texture using coconut sugar.  I used to use brown sugar, and that turned out really good as well, but as I mentioned before, I'm trying to feed my family healthier things!
I would love to hear how yours turned out if you try the recipe, and feel free to share some gf or df recipes of your own!
Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I decided to start this blog in hopes of being and encouraging, supportive and informative to those of you who are also gluten and dairy-free.  I have just recently found out that I now have to totally avoid dairy!  I am not taking this news with eagerness of any sorts!  I am your pizza-loving, tacos and cheese/crackers kind of girl, so this is pretty much a crisis in my life right now :)  So I will be seeking out some YUMMY recipes that are gluten and dairy-free and sharing those with you!  I would love for you to share any gf and df recipes that others might enjoy on by blog :)
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope that we can be an encouragement to one another!  I will be posting some recipes soon!